Marseille soap - Maintain your boat in an ecological and affordable way

When you enjoy sailing in places free of pollution, you take care of your environment! However, when it comes to specific cleaning and hygiene products for boats, prices sometimes make you cringe. How to do it without breaking the bank? 1st suggestion: Marseille soap to clean the boat in an ecological way.

Marseille soap is so well known that it needs no introduction! However, some of its uses are less known. The block of Marseille soap is perfect on a boat: it is compact and keeps very well, for a long time, in a box protected from humidity. It is also very easy to grate when you need shavings and melts perfectly in hot water. However, be careful not to mistake it for a counterfeit. Here is an overview of the use of Marseille soap on a boat.

Bloc de savon de Marseille
Block of Marseille soap

Washing up with Marseille soap

On board, you can use Marseille soap to wash the dishes. You just have to rub your sponge on a piece of soap, it will be much more economical than liquid product that disappears in the blink of an eye. It is important to remember that conventional soaps and dishwashing products do not lather with sea water. This does not mean that Marseille soap does not work. It's just a little disconcerting at first!

Cleaning of floors

Marseille soap can also be used to clean the boat's floors. Simply grate a handful into a bucket with warm water and mix until the product is dissolved. Then, all you need is a mop and a little elbow grease. Rinsing will be necessary to find a square or a cabin like new. To boost this mixture a little, you can add a small glass of household vinegar.

Textile cleaning

Marseille soap is also useful for washing all textiles. For stains on upholstery, you can rub the soap directly on the stain and then clean with a damp sponge. Traces of mildew can also be cleaned with Marseille soap if they are not too old. For hand washing, you can dissolve shavings in hot water and wash your clothes.

Recipe for washing powder with Marseille soap


  • 40g of Marseille soap shavings
  • 1 liter of hot water
  • one tablespoon of baking soda
  • optional: a dozen drops of essential oil (lemon, tea-tree or lavender for example)
Faire sa lessive au savon de Marseille
Doing your laundry with Marseille soap

In a can, dissolve the shavings in very hot water, add the bicarbonate and the essential oil when the water has warmed up. Close the can and shake well until the mixture is homogeneous.

It may be helpful to shake the can before each use. If the mixture becomes too pasty, it may be due to poor quality soap. In this case, add some very hot water and shake well before each use.

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