Web series / Under The Pole III: Battle to reach Alaska!

New season for Under The Pole! After the wintering that followed the crossing of the North-West Passage (and the crew's rest), we find the Under The Pole crew in a new dynamic episode, with a super cool soundtrack, entitled "Reunion with the Why". On the program, the (very long!) trip to join the schooner waiting for them in Sitka, Alaska.

After 4 months of absence, the crew of Under The Pole finds the Why, his polar schooner, moored in Sitka, Alaska. But before all that, he heads for the airport with 600 kilos of luggage and a small team of nine people (including 2 children!) and the dog, Kayak. On the program, 11 hours by plane from Paris to Vancouver, Canada, then several more hours by plane to Sitka, Alaska.

And each time, you have to pack, register, retrieve and transport these huge bags, lockers and containers containing everything you need to live on board, but also the spare parts for the maintenance of the boat.

After their journey (and a little rest), it is finally time for Ghislain and Emmanuelle (who initiated this expedition) to find the Why. Their "home" which shelters them at each of their long explorations. For a month, the schooner will undergo a workcamp: adaptation to the warmth, engine overhaul and interior fittings.

Then it's time to set off for Hawaii, and start the 2 e part of their expedition: french Polynesia and the study of deep-sea corals and hammerhead and bulldog sharks . This will be a first for the crew of the Why, who are used to polar expeditions!

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