Paper boat: a simple and efficient catboat version

Let's get out of the basic paper boat. We have a few origami boat tutorials for you. Today, a stylish but elegant catboat.

Winter evenings, long boat watches, rainy afternoons looking after the kids - there's plenty of opportunity to learn new folding techniques and perfect your skills. So impress your friends by making original paper boats. Here's a stylized catboat model, yet elegant and with a choice of sheers!

For this model, we use square papers, ideally with two sides of a different color.

Preparing folds

This is an extremely quick folding pattern. This time, the sail will be the color of the underside of the sheet.

La couleur de la voile sera de la couleur de la face cachée du papier
The color of the sail will be the color of the hidden side of the paper

To begin, fold the sheet diagonally.

Pliure en diagonale
Diagonal fold

Next, the base of the figure is folded upwards to form the shape of the hull. You can adjust the height and inclination of the hull as you wish, thanks to this fold. Feel free to experiment with different shapes.

Création de la forme de la carène
Creating the shape of the hull

Then the last fold is undone, the figure turned over and the fold marked again on this side.

Le dernier pli est défait
The last fold is undone
Le pli est refait sur l'autre face de la figure
The fold is repeated on the other side of the figure

And the hull appears!

Finally, this fold is inverted to create the boat.

Le pli est inversé
The fold is reversed
La figure est repliée sur elle même
The figure is folded in on itself
La figure repliée
The folded figure

And here's a sailboat that's a change from the traditional model!

Un voilier à grande voile en origami
A large sailboat made of origami

Get your papers!

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