Web series / Captain Darwin : Learn the basics of sailing on a Mini 6.50

In this new episode, Victor Rault gets familiar with sailing, aboard the Mini 6.50 of his friend Grégoire Chéron, who will participate in the Mini Transat 2021.

Learning to sail from scratch

In the summer of 2021, Victor Rault will embark on a 4-year round-the-world voyage in the footsteps of Charles Darwin to study the evolution of biodiversity 200 years after the scientist's death. But for this expedition, which he will carry out under sail, Victor must first learn to sail... Because if he spent several years working for Under The Pole, it was as a cameraman.

It's a tailor-made programme that he has concocted with his sailor friends, and in particular Emmanuelle from Under The Pole. First of all, the coastal licence, then the offshore licence, the CRR, a medical training course for long distance cruising, a survival course and, if the weather allows it, a skipper course at Les Glénans.

"All the stages of my sailing programme take place between March and the end of May. My goal is to be ready for a round-the-world race in three months from scratch. That's pretty ambitious, but that's my philosophy. Do ambitious things, but not in a rash way. If I don't feel ready or if the boat is not equipped enough, I'll give myself the freedom to push back the deadlines."

The next three months will be dedicated to learning how to sail, but it's mainly on board his boat (which we'll discover in a future episode) that Victor will get familiar with navigation, helped by friends.

A miniature expedition

"I've made a job list for myself. I have to do so many harbour entries and exits, arrive in a harbour in all types of wind, sea, day, night conditions, do manoeuvres in all possible and unimaginable conditions, hoping to have a solid enough base to launch myself serenely in May on a project to sail around the Ponant islands: Arz Island, Chausey archipelago, Belle-Île, Groix, Sein, Molène, Ouessant."

At each stopover, Victor will take the opportunity to conduct an educational workshop with primary school classes to talk about biodiversity, Darwin and evolution.

"This miniature expedition will also allow me to manage supplies, logistics, planning, and make decisions on navigation, especially on where to go depending on the weather."

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