Program change for Hermione

© Association Hermione-La Fayette

Encountering strong weather conditions and technical problems, the Hermione made a stopover in Vigo, Spain, when she was due to join the Fêtes Maritimes in Pasaia (Spanish Basque Country). An unexpected stopover that disrupts the schedule

L'Hermione left Portimao on May 10, 2018 in order to reach Pasaia (Spanish Basque coast) as the headliner of the Maritime Festivities that took place there from May 17 to 21. But encountering very bad weather conditions making the negotiation of Cape Finisterre difficult and with some technical problems on board, Commander Cariou took the decision to call at Vigo on May 16. Although essential, this decision put in question the participation of the frigate in Pasaia.

Finally, after a 48-hour stopover in the Galician port, which allowed to check several technical points, the frigate sailed this Friday, May 18 to set sail for the Basque Country. The Hermione La Fayette Association decided to honor the partnerships established with the Diputacion de Gipuskoa, Albaola, the Euroregion and the Nouvelle Aquitaine by making a presence in Spain. Thus, the ship will have been absent from the Maritime Festivals but will extend them from May 23 to 27.

A change of program that shifts the schedule for the coming months. Thus, the technical stopover in La Palice (port of La Rochelle) scheduled from May 24 to June 7 has been postponed. However, there is no impact on the Bordeaux stopover scheduled from June 10 to 14 and the return to Rochefort on June 17.

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