10 tips to protect against and get rid of cockroaches on board

The presence of cockroaches on board is anything but pleasant

Roaches, cockroaches and similar insects are a common problem on boats, where confined living conditions and humidity encourage their proliferation, and even more so in tropical areas. These creatures can not only be a nuisance, but also pose a health risk to the crew. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to protect yourself and eliminate cockroaches from your boat.

1 - Maintain cleanliness

The first step in preventing a cockroach infestation is to maintain rigorous cleanliness on board. Be sure to clean surfaces regularly, store food in airtight containers and never leave food exposed.

Keeping your boat clean is important
Keeping your boat clean is important

2 - Eliminate cardboard boxes as much as possible

Cockroaches and similar insects love cardboard, especially when it's a little damp. What's more, by bringing a cardboard box on board, you can accidentally bring insect eggs on board. An effective solution is to replace these cardboard boxes with plastic containers, with lids if possible.

Replace cardboard boxes with plastic ones
Replace cardboard boxes with plastic ones

3 - Seal cracks and openings

Cockroaches can enter your boat through small cracks and openings. Inspect your boat regularly to identify and seal any potential entrances.

4 - Clean damp areas

Cockroaches are attracted to moisture, so it's important to keep your boat as dry as possible. Repair water leaks and use dehumidifiers if necessary.

If you have a humidity problem, use a dehumidifier.
If you have a humidity problem, use a dehumidifier.

5 - Eliminate food sources

In addition to maintaining cleanliness, eliminate potential food sources for cockroaches. This can include storing food that is too easily accessible. Don't leave food scraps lying around, and make sure you close the garbage can properly. If possible, remove garbage and garbage cans from your boat as quickly as possible.

Food must be kept insect-proof.
Food must be kept insect-proof.

6 - Use natural repellents

Certain natural substances, such as vinegar, lemon and mint, are known to repel cockroaches. Spray these repellents around areas where cockroaches are likely to hide.

7 - Use traps

Place roach traps in your boat to catch any roaches that wander in. You can opt for commercial traps or make your own using plastic bottles and tape.

Traps are efficient and cost-effective
Traps are efficient and cost-effective

8 - Use insecticides

If the infestation is important, you may consider using insecticides to eliminate the cockroaches. Be sure to choose products that are safe for use in marine environments, and follow label instructions carefully.

Choose an insecticide that does not destroy the marine environment
Choose an insecticide that does not destroy the marine environment

9 - Boric acid and powdered sugar

Commercial products are not always very effective. A good trick is to mix boric acid with powdered sugar. Once the mixture is homogeneous, make small balls and scatter them around the boat, especially in all the dark trunks and corners. They will eventually dissolve, but if you want to recover or replace them later, place them on small pieces of aluminum foil. Make sure you wear gloves.

This little homemade recipe works quite well
This little homemade recipe works quite well

Insects attracted by the sugar will eat the balls and die. Just collect the dead insects quickly.

10 - Call an exterminator

If you can't get rid of these little creatures, the last resort is to call in an exterminator. They can help you assess the extent of the problem and put in place an effective elimination plan.

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