Rats on board your boat: how to detect and eradicate them?

When we think of pests on boats, we often think of cockroaches and other roaches, which thrive in tropical and hot climates. However, in port, it's not uncommon for rats to infiltrate our boats, whatever the sailing area. Warm and protected, they are difficult to eradicate. Here are a few tips for detecting and eradicating rats.

Why do rats infest our boats?

The presence of rats on board can be the result of several factors. While there is little risk of infestation at anchor, this is not the case in port. Docks and pontoons are major entry points for rats, which can easily climb aboard ships in search of resources. These opportunistic rodents are attracted by food supplies, confined spaces and cracks.

That's why it's important to clean up after yourself when you leave your boat. But that's not always enough, and there are also solutions to prevent rodents from invading the boat, such as rat guards, to be installed on its mooring lines . These can also be replaced by plastic bottles, for example. If you have any other tips to share with our readers, don't hesitate to add them in comments.

Un garde-rat peut être installé sur son bateau pour prévenir l'intrusion des rongeurs
A rat guard can be installed on your boat to prevent the intrusion of rodents

How to detect the presence of rats on board?

Identifying the presence of rats on board is essential for taking preventive measures quickly. Here are a few telltale signs to look out for:

Excrement rat droppings resemble small grains of rice and are often found along rat paths.

Nibbling marks and property damage rats can damage materials on board by gnawing their way through or building their nests, including wood, plastic and even electrical cables. Nibbling marks can be seen on linings, bulkheads, fabrics and food packaging, as well as ropes and sails stored on board.

Odor a strong smell of urine may be present in areas where rats have established their nests.

Nests rats: Rats build their nests from available materials, such as pieces of cloth, paper or plant fibers. Look for nests in dark, inaccessible areas of the boat. Some places will require a bit of contortion, but don't hesitate to check the bottom of the boat or the sail locker.

Présence de crottes autour d'un morceau de pain grignoté
Poop around a piece of nibbled bread

How do we get rid of rats on board our boat?

Eradicating rats is no mean feat. Rats are cunning animals and will easily outwit traps. So you need to be strategic and apply certain preventive measures. Here are a few tips:

Thorough cleaning eliminate all sources of food and water, regularly clean areas likely to attract rats, and maintain rigorous hygiene on board to keep your boat clean and tidy.

Plugging the entrances identify any openings on the edge through which rats might pass, and plug them.

Use of traps place rat traps strategically in areas where rats are most active. You'll be able to identify them by the signs mentioned above. Be sure to check them regularly and reset them if necessary.

Use natural repellents some natural substances, such as peppermint or citrus essential oils, can deter rats from approaching the boat. You can also use a solution based on white vinegar and lemon slices, to be sprayed in strategic places. Bleach is also an effective rodent repellent.

Poisoned bait poison baits, such as rat poison, can be used with caution, keeping them out of the reach of children and pets. Handle with care, wearing gloves.

Call in the professionals in the event of a serious or persistent infestation, it is advisable to contact pest control professionals to eliminate the rats safely and effectively. Port managers can also be informed.

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