Empty Boat, a second life for used equipment

The empty boat in Golfe Juan

3rd edition for the Vide Bateau de Golfe Juan on Saturday, May 6, 2017. A good opportunity to lighten your boat or simply to find second hand equipment.

For the third time - at the rate of one edition every two years - the Vieux Port of Golfe Juan (06) is organising a "vide bateau" on 6 May 2017. Like the yard sales, equipment related only to boats, yachting or the sea will be for sale.

Vide bateau
Boat vacuum

The last edition in 2015 brought together about fifty exhibitors, all individuals, but the organizers hope to see more this year. All the more so as local hardware stores have been contacted to propose destocking.

Vide bateau
Boat vacuum

Visitors will be able to go to the Eric Tabarly quay to find second-hand equipment for boating, fishing, sailing, nautical activities... An event which is certainly not national in scope, but which has the merit of giving a second life to a lot of equipment which is often expensive and which does not belong in the back of a garage.

Vide bateau
Boat vacuum
Vide bateau
Boat vacuum
Vide bateau
Boat vacuum
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