Report / Pregnancy and baby on board, how to prepare and live it when you live at sea?

© Poussé par le Vent

Are pregnancy during a long-distance cruise and welcoming your child on board compatible with this nomadic life at sea? Two women, but above all two mothers, testify on how they lived their pregnancy, how they organized themselves on board and how they live with their baby.

Sarah Hébert, a former high-level sportswoman and a passionate of board sports, decided to cast off in 2017 to live aboard their sailboat when their little Nael was only 4 months old. At the beginning of 2022, she is pregnant again, this time with a baby girl. She tells us about her organization and her daily life on board with a baby, but also how she lives her pregnancy on board.

Guillemette, 33 years old, has also decided to travel the world with her husband Vianney and their three boys aged 7, 5 and 3. While the preparation of the trip is already well underway, she learns that she is carrying life once again. She expresses her doubts, her decisions, and also shares how she lived this pregnancy on board and how she welcomed this new shipmate on board.

Perhaps through the testimony of these two women you will find the answers to your questions, or at least part of them. Nowadays pregnancy is highly medicalized, but it is no less natural. Well prepared, accompanied, and without any contraindication, it can be experienced at sea, just like a pregnancy on land. Living on board with a baby also deserves to be prepared, and it is by reading these different opinions that you will be able to find ways to organize yourself.

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