Special Edition / K-Ren, the solution to protect your hull without dirtying the sea

What better way to talk about a product than to interview a user? Matthieu and Jérôme explain their choice to use K-Ren hull protectors on their respective sailboats. And especially the advantages that the covers offer for their sailing.

Matthieu sails a Mini 6.50 based in La Rochelle. This proto plan Verdier n°958 has a canting keel, a very thin keel sail around 20 cm which ends with a 1 m long bulb. To protect his hull and avoid antifouling, he quickly opted for the installation of a K-Ren protection.

" After each training session, I start by putting the boat in the water. While tidying up the boat, I give it at least 15 minutes to sink quietly. Then from the bow where it is fixed, I pull it backwards. I use a paddle to pass the 2 rudders which do not release. All along the edges, I fix the straps with the hooks. The boom is thus well pressed against the hull. "

A hull that is always clean

This system prevents Matthieu from diving under his boat before each training session. Despite the fact that the hull is free of antifouling. " In most ports, careening with a diver is forbidden. When I see my competitors jump into the water to rub their hulls, I smile. With K-Ren, I never have to dive again! To all those who tell me that handling the boat every time I go out is tedious, I remind them of the pleasure of bathing in cold water to scrub their undersideâeuros¦ ". In addition to simplifying his life, Matthieu also appreciates the ecological aspect of using this protection.

To always navigate fast

Jérôme bought a Figaro 2 in Le Havre not to race, but for the pleasure of sailing a fast boat. He bought his K-Ren protection with confidence and is still surprised by its efficiency. " The boat had been in the water for 18 months before my purchase. The hull was not presentable. I installed the cover on the dirty hull and left it on for 2 months. Once removed, I was surprised to discover a clean hull. All the organisms were dead underneath! "The difficulty in fitting the hull of a Figaro comes from the two angled rudders under the rear arch. " Passing under the keel is done by itself, giving the tarpaulin time to sink. Even solo I manage to equip the boat. I now connect the straps together above the deck. It's a good way to hold the tarp on the hull. For the rudders, it's a bit more difficult, but you can do it with a little help. "

A sustainable investment

The two sailors are not impressed with the selling price of the K-Ren tarp. " For my Mini, it costs around 2 500 euros ", Matthew tells us. " When you know that a carenage with an antifouling realized by a professional costs 1 200 euros, you realize that it is quickly profitable especially since it is announced to last at least 5 years. And this without mentioning the ecological impactâeuros¦ "

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