It was published on Bateaux 60 years ago: learning to sail, Saint-Malo

In September 1959, the magazine Bateaux published its monthly issue. A brief look back at what was questioning boaters and how they navigated at that time through a few pages chosen from the magazine.

Revue Bateaux septembre 1959

The magazine Bateaux is a magazine launched in 1958. In September 1959, this journal published its number 16. A summary with sailing between Saint-Malo and Dinard, solutions to learn to sail with your children and always tests of sailing boats like the Cadet or the S.C.O.D.

Revue Bateaux septembre 1959

Revue Bateaux septembre 1959

The magazine Bateaux is still printed in two-colour (black and white) with the only colour page for the "Where to sail..." map. The photos of the beacons allow navigators to accurately locate themselves when the means of positioning did not exist and when esteem, sextant and gonio were used to navigate.

Revue Bateaux septembre 1959

Revue Bateaux septembre 1959

The advertisements praised the merits of the equipment and systems could be found at the BHV in Paris to steer or dampen the anchor. At the time, we were still talking in old francs...

Revue Bateaux septembre 1959

The details of the explanations on "How to steer upwind" are still relevant. And if the adjustment systems have evolved, the bases are perfectly adapted to our current navigations and can be applied on our sailboats.

Revue Bateaux septembre 1959

Revue Bateaux septembre 1959

In the topic "Teach your children to sail", we already notice the difficulty of passing on his passion to the younger generation. A point that sometimes remains relevant when we try to involve our children in the manoeuvre.

Revue Bateaux septembre 1959

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