Editorial / No, old-fashioned navigation and nautical charts are not dead!

With AIS, GPS radar and other maneuvering aids, you might think that old-fashioned navigation is dead. But without leaving technology behind, it never hurts to brush up on the basics, as we regularly suggest.

Do not depend on equipment

Boats tend to be fitted with a wide range of equipment to make life easier for yachtsmen, even if this sometimes means making them a little dependent. When was the last time you took stock of the situation with a bearing compass? When was the last time you opened a paper chart to check the water level near a cardinal, or took out the binoculars to check whether it was north or south? Let's face it, it's been a few years for many boaters, even the most experienced and regular ones.

And yet, anyone who has experienced an electronics failure, a digital map that won't load or other setbacks, is bitterly reminded of the usefulness of navigation "the old-fashioned way."

Keep what you've learned, turn it into a game...

That's why we regularly go back to basics. Starting with our series of boating license questions, such as this week on navigation lights but also in more detail through the basics of chart table navigation : know how to use a Cras rule, for example .

And to cope with these situations, you need the right equipment. We're not just talking about the latest GPS equipment, but also about the evolution of old-fashioned navigation equipment, from quality binoculars to the custom navigation rule . Maybe even some ideas for gifts at this time of year!

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