Editorial / Whether you're a youngster or an adult, back-to-school can also mean back-to-sailing

At a time when everyone's thinking about going back to school or the office, let's not forget that sailing isn't just for the summer. It's a conviction we need to share with as many parents and elected representatives as possible, to ensure that boating retains its pool of enthusiasts over the long term.

School and cockpit...

Back to school! While some children are eagerly awaiting the return to school and the company of friends, those who have had a taste of sailing during the summer often regret swapping the cockpit bench and the boat's helm for the school benches and the pen. It's time to remind ourselves that sailing, paddling and fishing are not just for the summer. The network of sailing, kayaking and fishing clubs is present on all coasts, but also on inland waterways close to major conurbations, doing a remarkable job. Year-round sailing isn't just for seaside dwellers! Come and see for yourself at one of our back-to-school association forums.

Let's campaign for school sailing

But the sea is not just for the initiated. If you're passionate about boating, let's lobby our elected representatives, teachers and school heads to ensure that it has its rightful place in schools. It's unfortunate that some coastal communities prefer to finance snow classes, which are certainly useful for opening up to other realities, rather than fund a few sailing lessons for their pupils. And for those who live further away, let's give them the chance to take part in sailing classes. Finally, let's support initiatives such as the Brevet d'Initiation à la Mer (Sea Initiation Certificate) in secondary schools .

See you in the clubs all year round, and in the meantime, boating remains on bateaux.com 12 months a year!

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