Why wear earplugs when water sports?

Earplugs are starting to make their way onto the water, and while their usefulness has been proven for many years, new water sports activities are making them even more necessary. But why wear earplugs during water activities? What are they good for?

How does it work?

Le Earsplug
The Earsplug

Unlike a PPE-type earplug, used by manual workers to attenuate the noise of a tool, a water sports-type earplug is made of a membrane that lets air pass through. The wearer's balance and hearing are preserved, which is essential during a surfing session, a double-handed dinghy outing, or on a crowded stretch of water.

Preventing exostosis

The primary purpose of an earplug is to combat exostosis. This pathology occurs when the ear is regularly immersed in cold or temperate water. It's the body's reaction to water, and develops bone cells which, in the medium term, can obstruct the ear canal. This obstruction can then lead to infection of the inner ear and more serious complications, such as recurrent ear infections.

This development is accentuated during repeated sessions in autumn and winter, when water temperatures drop.

To remove this bony outgrowth, an operation is required, followed by many months without being able to return to the water or underwater.

Protecting yourself from high-speed falls

With the development of the foil on a multitude of machines, the speed of the supports is increasing. And a high-speed fall can cause serious damage to the eardrum. The use of an earplug will prevent water from entering under pressure in the event of a fall, and save you a great deal of inconvenience.

Limit the arrival of bacteria

As the quality of our water is sometimes questionable, wearing earplugs will prevent the arrival of certain bacteria that are aggressive to sensitive ears. For young sports enthusiasts, there are models that can be worn from the age of 12.

A reduced budget

For just a few dozen euros, earplugs bring many benefits to those who regularly take part in water sports, and who still want to listen to music after a session. What's more, their medical-grade silicone construction means they'll last for years.

Pour une sortie en paddle en mode "touriste", inutile de s'équiper en bouchons d'oreilles
For a paddle outing in "tourist" mode, there's no need to buy earplugs
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