Editorial / Boats and boat shows in long career!

At a time when the employment of seniors is a complex issue, boats and boat shows ensure long careers! From the Paris Boat Show to the reuse of old hulls, zoom in on initiatives that last over time...

No retirement for the Nautic

Since the closing of Nautic 2022 and even before, there have been many rumors about the potential disappearance of Nautic. The time of retirement for the Parisian boat show has not come, but to revive his career, he will take a break in 2023 before coming back in a shorter version, on another site in Paris and in a version that the organizers announce as fundamentally different. Like all the enthusiasts, we can't wait to have more details about this new life of the Nautic.

Boats in active retirement

After years of sailing, boats are often tired. Even when you take good care of them, sometimes the material is worn out and the hull is aged. But rather than getting rid of it, even by deconstructing it, you might as well give it a new life. There are plenty of ideas, much more inspiring than gardening in a traffic circle or in your garden... Batho suggests some of them . If you know of others, please share them with us, to offer beautiful retreats to our companions on the water!

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