Boating license / A marker with a red cone! But what is this marker?

"Low if Red and Green Tricot": Port Cylinder Red and Starboard Cone Green. But here I am in front of this red marker with a cone! What does this mark mean? Is it an error of the buoyage organization? Answer A. Some rascal repainted the marker in the night? Answer B. I am sailing in the B marker zone? Answer C.

Each week, we offer you a question about the boat license. To validate your knowledge or to discover unexplored areas. This week, we are tackling a question on buoyancy.

"Red stockings and green knitwear"

The famous mnemonic, "Red Stocking and Green Knit" allows you to remember the color and shape of the channel markers. However, this method is only valid in navigation zone A. This area covers the whole world except :

  • the American continent
  • the West Indies
  • japan
  • korea
  • the Philippines

In the areas listed below, you are in Zone B. The lateral buoyage changes color. The port buoys are green and the starboard buoys are red. Only the cones and cylinders remain the same. The picture above was taken in the Caribbean, exactly in Saint-Martin. We are therefore in zone B, hence the red color of a starboard marker.

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