Boating license / When at sea, when am I allowed to run into a hand light?

© FX Ricardou

You have hand-held lights on your boat. On what occasion are you allowed to use them? To celebrate the arrival of your boat in a port (Answer A)? To celebrate the national holiday on July 14 (Answer B)? In case of distress (Answer C)? To light your way during the aperitif (Answer D)?

Each week, offers you a question about the boat license. To validate your skills or even to discover unexplored fields. This week, we tackle the question of pyrotechnics.

When can you hit a handheld light?

Division 240, the text that governs the safety equipment on board a vessel, indicates that to navigate in the Coastal category (up to 6 miles from a shelter) the vessel must have 3 red hand lights.

This type of material, commonly called "rocket", is a pyrotechnic device that diffuses a strong red light when hit. Unlike parachute rockets that climb high into the sky (about 250 m), hand-held fires burn for about 1 minute at the end of your arm.

These lights should only be used to help locate you when you are in a dangerous situation. They should not be set off for any purpose other than to alert emergency services.

No question of triggering them for the 14th of July or for any other festive use!

To be on the safe side, always strike hand-held fires with your back to the wind, over the water, with your arm raised at a 45° angle. Glowing particles can spurt out of the fire, so gloves should be worn when handling this type of object.

A hand-held fire (like all the other pyrotechnics on board) has an expiration date. It is thus necessary to take care to always have on board a material in good working order. To get rid of the old material, you must not throw them in the trash (danger!), but the entrust to recycling organizations . Your shipchandler who will sell you the new box will be able to guide you in this process.

The answer is obviously C.

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