10 recommendations to keep your shoreline freshwater healthy

This happens as soon as the filling is done © O. Chauvin

Regularly filling up your tanks is not enough to ensure that the water on board your boat is well preserved. There are other precautions to take. Here are a few that will help you prevent any unpleasant surprises.

Fresh water is precious, but its stay in the boat's tanks does not help its health. Before even thinking about storing it, it is advisable to take a few precautions to avoid bringing in contaminating elements yourself.

As soon as it is filled

  • The filler pipe is a traitor! Usually located on a flat deck, its tightness must be checked and its seal replaced at the slightest doubt. This will prevent runoff or wash water from entering the tank.
  • When filling, use a reliable hose, i.e. not one that has been lying on the dock in the sun. The end of the hose should be carefully rinsed before inserting it into the filling hole.
On utilisera un tuyau fiable
A reliable hose will be used
  • It is important to let enough water flow through the hose to remove any water that may have remained inside the hose before starting to fill.
  • If you use your own hose, blow it out after use to make sure it is empty before storing it.

A clean and healthy circuit

  • The water distributed by land-based networks is treated with persistent products, i.e. their effects are long-lasting so that the water does not deteriorate in the pipes. This effect continues in the reservoirs, provided that a certain consumption allows a regular renewal.
  • A good precaution is to clean your tank(s) at the beginning of the season, before putting them back into service. You should pour the desired amount of disinfectant into the tank(s), dissolved in a good volume of water.
  • One by one all the taps are opened, so that the product is in contact with the whole circuit.
On ouvre tous les robinets
We open all the taps
  • After a few hours of contact, simply drain and rinse with clean water. A final refill and your system is ready for use.
  • The Micropur is perfect for this purpose, knowing that it is not a question of playing the sorcerer's apprentice by trying to treat the water, but rather to ensure the sanitary state of the tanks and the circuit.
Le Micropur permet de traiter les réservoirs
The Micropur allows to treat the tanks

In any case, it is important to divide your reserves, to follow your consumption, but also to limit the consequences of a possible contamination.

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