What pressure should I use for my fenders? Are my hull protectors properly inflated?

I equipped my boat with 8 new cylindrical fenders and 2 spherical ones. But how do I inflate these fenders? How much pressure should I put on them? Answer in pictures.

When you buy fenders, you have to inflate them before using them. For reasons of storage space, they are delivered completely flat. Ideally, your ship will sell them to you already inflated, with the right pressure. But if, like me, they are delivered without air, you must inflate them before you can use them along the side of your boat.

Note that it may be a good idea to give the fender an airing over the course of its life (not just when it is new) to give it a new lease on life.

Low pressure in the defences

Avant de les utiliser, il faut gonfler ses pare-battage
Before using them, you must inflate your fenders

The pressure in a fender is very low. It is between 0.1 and 0.2 bar (0.15 bar at 20°C on those of Polyform, distributed by VDM-Reya in our example). It can therefore be reached with a simple hand (or foot) pump. The most important thing is to have the right nozzle. Indeed, it is necessary to have a system which enters the valve and which makes - more or less correctly - the sealing.

Adaptateur Polyform distribué à 2,50 € (prix public HT) par VDM-Reya
Polyform adapter distributed at 2,50 euros (public price HT) by VDM-Reya

VDM-Reya distributes a small adapter, specific to the Polyform valve, which has several functions: It allows, thanks to its flat tip, to unscrew the valve cap (instead of the screwdriver). It has the same internal print as the cap and can be screwed in place of it. Finally, it accepts a "Schrader valve" type connection, as on a car tire. It becomes very easy to inflate your fenders with a foot pump, or even at a gas station. And thus to regulate the pressure in a very precise way.

But if like me you don't have this equipment, you'll have to use the system D.

Step by step to inflate your fenders

We start by unscrewing the valve cap. This is equipped with a non-return valve that prevents the fender from deflating once it is full of air and before you screw the cap back on.

Une soufflette pour gonfler ses défenses
A blowpipe to inflate its defenses

To inflate, I used an air gun (a blowgun) connected to a compressor. By placing it ideally, I was able to limit almost all leaks. The fender inflates quickly and effortlessly.

Une fois le pare-battage plein, je mesure son diamètre
Once the fender is full, I measure its diameter

But how do you know if the fender is inflated enough or too much? For my part, I used the meter. Indeed, this Polyform fender is sold for a diameter of 20 cm according to the information given by VDM-Reya. So I made sure to inflate them to that size. No more and no less.

Une pression du doigt ou de la main donne aussi une bonne indication
Finger or hand pressure also gives a good indication

By pressing with my hand, there remains a certain flexibility which will be welcome when the boat will lean on it. But not too much so that the fender can fulfill its protection role.

Fermeture de la valve
Closing the valve

Once the pressure has been reached, the valve must be closed with the plug.

Plus d'air pour les grosses boules
More air for the big balls

I did the same with the 2 ball fenders that will be put in place to protect the bow. Diameter announced 55 cm. It's just longer to inflate...

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