Is the horseshoe buoy compulsory if you wear your life jacket?

Horseshoe buoy

Cumbersome for some, useless for others... What are the regulatory obligations in pleasure boating concerning the carrying of buoys (horseshoe or crown) and turnaround lights?

We all have a buoy on board. It can be horseshoe-shaped, round or even in the shape of a French fry, it respects the obligation of the famous division 240 to have on board our boats a " Device for locating and assisting a person at sea, such as a horseshoe buoy or crown buoy ".

Extrait de la Division 240 spécifiant la présence de bouées à bord
Extract from Division 240 specifying the presence of buoys on board

The definition of this safety equipment is somewhat unclear and there can be confusion between it and personal flotation devices, also known as "personal floatation devices" life jackets ".

A multitude of equipment could meet the broad definition provided by Division 240 :

  • Horseshoe buoy
  • Crown buoy
  • IOR pole
  • Floating cushion
  • Silzig buoy

To name just a few. If, in principle, anything that floats can help with flotation, it is important that the equipment on which a person's rescue can be based meets strict criteria.

We went to ask the authorities for clarification. The explanations are clearer. " During an inspection, we verify the presence on board of either a horseshoe buoy or a crown buoy. One or the other must be present on board, with a working reversing light. The other equipment you mention (Editor's note: IOR pole, Silzig buoy or floating cushion ) are possibly useful complements, but they do not replace this buoy. "The agents of the Maritime Affairs of Saint-Malo explain to us.

Attention, in case of control " We systematically check that the fire is triggered! "they insist.

As for doing without this buoy, here too, the message is clear. " The presence on board of this buoy does not authorize not having life jackets, just as the possession of life jackets on board does not authorize not having a buoy. These two equipments have different missions, one allows to save oneself (the life jacket) the other allows to save someone else (the lifeline)"

In summary, wearing a lifejacket does not exempt to have on board a device for locating and assisting a person overboard such as a horseshoe buoy or crown buoy.

Different rescue objectives

If life jackets are designed to protect the people on board the boat, the "horseshoe buoy" has two objectives:

  • Locating a specific place ( man overboard and monitoring of his drift, dangerous obstacle)
  • Assistance to a person at sea ( so not necessarily from your side )

In other words, the horseshoe buoy is a collective safety equipment which will be useful for the crew of your boat as well as for those of another.

Couronne, fer à cheval ou plate, ces équipements flottants sont avant tout des éléments de localisation (Photo : O.Tourchon)
Crown, horseshoe or flat, these floating equipments are above all elements of localization (Photo : O.Tourchon)

To moor to the boat or not?

The legislator does not specify whether a jet line ( that connects the buoy to the boat ) is necessary or not. " It is not mandatory " explains the Maritime Affairs " but will be a precious help to bring a person back on board his boat. Be careful, however, not to pull the buoy away from the shipwrecked person. This is a matter of common sense, which the law does not regulate! "

Automatic light attached to the buoy

However, the buoy itself is only one part of the rescue chain ( also called the SAR chain ) to be deployed. To be really effective, the buoy must be visible and, therefore, lighted. This is why it is most often coupled with an automatic light ( also known as a rollover light ). Once in the water, it turns over and lights up by a simple macanic system.

Expiration dates to check

The horseshoe buoy itself does not have an expiration date. As long as it is in " good condition "If it is not pierced, it will remain effective.

The accompanying fire, on the other hand, carries batteries which, if they are long-lasting today ( 5 years in general ) - have an expiration date that should be checked at the beginning of the season.

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