Boating license / This sailboat is heading north. Does it pass on the right side of this beacon?

© FX Ricardou

This sailboat, heading north, avoids this mark by leaving it to port. Is this the right choice? Will he avoid danger by taking this route? Review the maritime markings and particularly the cardinals.

Each week, offers you a question about the boat license. To validate your skills or even to discover unexplored fields. This week, we tackle the question of maritime buoyage.

First of all, we must recognize this beacon. Still quite far away, it is difficult to visualize the triangles which are on its top. But its black-yellow-black color informs us precisely. It is an East cardinal.

Cardinale Est
Cardinale East

As a reminder, let's remember that the two triangles that characterize a cardinal have the points directed towards the black color. Here, we have two triangles with opposite points. We can write an E in these 2 triangles, giving a mnemonic means to remember the name of the cardinal.

A cardinal protects an obstacle (pebble, rocky point...). They are distributed around the obstacle, the East cardinal will be to the East of the obstacle. Thus, by passing to the East of the cardinal one avoids the danger.

In our situation, the sailboat that is heading North and leaving the cardinal on port side will pass well to the East of the cardinal. It is therefore in the right situation and can continue its route without risk.

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