MAYDAY or PAN PAN? Which distress message to use?

It's panic on board, you have to send a distress message on the VHF. But which one will you use: MAYDAY or PAN PAN?

There are three messages for saving human life at sea, ranked in order of priority. Each has its own different alarm signal:

  • Top priority: Distress - MAYDAY (repeat 3 times)
  • Priority 2: Emergency - PAN PAN (repeat 3 times)
  • Priority 3: Security - SECURITY (repeat 3 times)


This message is used in case of danger to human life.

For example

Emergency (PAN PAN - PAN PAN - PAN PAN)

The emergency message is used if a human life is not in danger, but there is a serious problem on board.

For example:

  • An engine problem that prevents the boat from returning to port under its own power
  • A dismasting
  • A saffron casse
  • ?


This message is there to inform marine traffic of a danger.

For example:

  • Declaration of a UFO (Unidentified Floating Object)
  • A drifting buoy or raft
  • A hazard to navigation
  • ...


To know whether to trigger a MAYDAY or a PAN PAN, there is a simple way.

  • MAYDAY is pronounced "help me" which means you need help.
  • PAN PAN pronounced "panne panne" means that you have a breakdown and are asking for help but are not in danger.
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