Web series / Driven by the Wind: the last preparations before the big departure

In this 5th vlog, Sarah and Aurélien are preparing their big trip, the departure of which took place on May 17, 2017. Share their last days at the quay, between excitement and stage fright.

On-board work and cleaning before departure

It is time for the couple to leave their Breton life behind and the departure becomes more and more concrete. Whilst Aurélien takes care of the work and the DIY, it is Sarah who manages the preparation of the interior of the boat, the administration and the food supplies... The desire to leave is becoming more and more apparent, as tensions are coming to the fore, fatigue is being felt and the days are getting longer and longer.

Before their big departure for their long-distance sailing, Aurélien and Sarah are fine-tuning the last details: rigging, discovering their new sails, cleaning the hull of Maloya (their sailboat), fitting the sails, renovating the portholes, exhaust pipe, but above all unclogging the toilets, where small fish get stuck..

10 days before departure, it's time to sort out Sarah and Nael's clothes, to install a cot for the baby, who has been sleeping in her bassinet until now, or to go out on a paddle ride with mummy, the cozy one well harnessed to the board.

Then we have to deal with the sorting of papers, which will become much easier for our adventurous couple: no more car insurance, home insurance, electricity..

With 2 days to go, Sarah is still tidying up the boat and tackling Nael's first aid kit. The opportunity also for our three adventurers to make a last surprised meal with all their friends!

Medical check-up and last moment with friends

At 15 days departure, time for a medical check-up before leaving and in particular the dentist for Aurélien, to avoid a toothache in the middle of the ocean.

Aurélien returned from a friends' wedding - the last moment with his mates and the "marmaille" - Aurélien was overwhelmed by a little bit of blues, torn between the happiness of having seen everyone again before leaving and the apprehension of leaving everything behind for his new life with Sarah and Nael.

One of the important steps - which Sarah and Nael took - was to check the first aid kit used during Sarah's Atlantic crossing on her windsurfing board. Check the expired medicines, add Nael's medicines: anti-vomit, dental kit, adrenaline, morphine, scalpel, stapler..

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