The sailboat Initiatives-Coeur photographed from the sky on the Eiffel Tower!

Initiatives-Heart seen from the sky © Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière

During one of its photo missions to map Paris, the IGN succeeded in taking a picture of Tanguy de Lamotte's sailing boat, Initiatives-Coeur, installed on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower until May 10, 2017.

The IGN - Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière (National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information) - is responsible for describing the surface area of the national territory and the occupation of its land, and for drawing up and updating the permanent inventory of national forest resources.

As part of one of its missions to take pictures of Paris, to update maps, the organization was able to photograph the sailboat Initiatives-C?ur, which has taken up residence on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower since March 20th. He will stay there until May 10, 2017, for a temporary exhibition of 6 weeks which consists in making discover to the greatest number the association Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque. Thanks to it, many children with heart disease all over the world are operated on in France in good conditions.

This very high resolution shot was taken a short time ago, but totally by chance, during a flight over the Eiffel Tower. The "winter" shot still used on this picture gives more information than the summer because the trees have fewer leaves and shadows are less present. When the first images were retrieved, the IGN was able to realize that the IMOCAA Initiatives-C?ur installed on the Eiffel Tower was really clearly visible.

Photo credit: IGN - Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière (National Institute for Geographic and Forestry Information)

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