When the ocean starts to sparkle with a thousand lights!

This week, the beaches of Tasmania, Australia, hosted a phenomenon of bioluminescence. An event that drew crowds! Video of this splendid experience.

Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by a living organism, resulting from a chemical reaction during which chemical energy is converted into light energy. This phenomenon took place this week at Preservation Bay, on the northwest coast of Tasmania, Australia, as shown in the video shot on 16 March 2017.

It is a living microorganism called"Noctiluca scintillans" - better known as"sea spark" - that feeds on plankton and capable of bioluminescence that has given the sea this electric blue color. When disturbed by waves or currents, these thousands of tiny cells flash causing illumination in the water around them.

On the video, we can see the organisms react to the contact of the feet or a stick in the water and create this surrealist color.

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