The tall ships of the Rouen Armada in 15 photos

The docks of Armada 2023 © Philippe Duverger

From June 8 to 17, 2023, the Armada de Rouen will bring together a flotilla of tall ships, military vessels and innovative commercial vessels. We invite you to discover them in a few photos.

A fleet of ships that inspire the imagination

Training ships, old three-masted merchant or fishing vessels, replicas of war sailing ships, or the latest rocket ship, the fleet present in Rouen for Armada 2023 impresses as it does every year. From the French to the Cuauhtemoc, from the Renard to the Nao Victoria, via the Nébuleuse or the Canopée, everyone will find something to feed their curiosity and their maritime imagination. We invite you to take a pictorial tour.

Le Dar Mlodziezy qui signifie "Don de la jeunesse" a été construit en 1981 dans les chantiers navals de Gdansk pour remplacer la frégate Dar Pormoza, navire-école de la marine polonaise.
The Dar Mlodziezy, which means "Gift of Youth", was built in 1981 at the Gdansk shipyard to replace the frigate Dar Pormoza, a training ship of the Polish navy.
Le célèbre Shtandart, reconstitution d'un navire russe, a été au coeur des polémiques suite à la guerre en Ukraine
The famous Shtandart, a reconstruction of a Russian ship, has been at the heart of controversy following the war in Ukraine
Construit à Bilbao en 1982, le Cuauthémoc est propriété de la Marine mexicaine qui l'utilise comme navire-école. Il est basé à Acapulco.
Built in Bilbao in 1982, the Cuauthémoc is owned by the Mexican Navy, which uses her as a training ship. She is based in Acapulco.
Elément de décoration du Cuauthémoc
Cuauthémoc decorative element
Le Français, ex-navire de transport scandinave, transportant désormais des passagers.
The Frenchman, formerly a Scandinavian transport ship, now carries passengers.
Etoile du Roy est la réplique en bois d'une frégate corsaire malouine de 1745. Ce navire 3 mâts de 310 tonneaux avec 240 hommes d'équipage était armé de 20 canons
Etoile du Roy is a wooden replica of a privateer frigate built in 1745. This 310-ton 3-masted ship with a crew of 240 was armed with 20 cannons
Le Renard, emblème malouin, est la réplique du côtre du célèbre corsaire Surcouf
The Renard, a Malouin emblem, is a replica of the coastline of the famous privateer Surcouf
La Nao Victoria, réplique des caravelles de Christophe Colomb.
The Nao Victoria, a replica of Christopher Columbus' caravels.
La Nébuleuse, ancien thonier de Camaret, a pêché jusque dans les années 1980, et accueille désormais des passagers.
La Nébuleuse, a former Camaret tuna boat, fished until the 1980s, and now welcomes passengers.
La Canopée, qui transporte les fusées Ariane entre la France et la Guyane, sera bientôt équipée d'ailes rigides.
The Canopée, which carries Ariane rockets between France and French Guiana, will soon be fitted with rigid wings.
Ambiance sur les quais de Rouen
Atmosphere on the quays of Rouen
Des figures de proue variées
A variety of figureheads
Des mâtures toujours impressionnantes
Masts always impressive
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