File / All you need to know about the fairing

Before starting the season or before launching your boat, it is essential to proceed with a refit, which consists of cleaning, inspecting, repairing and painting the hull. This step is crucial to guarantee the best performance of your boat.

The fairing is an important step in the maintenance of a boat, allowing to maintain its performance by minimizing the resistance of the hull in the water and guaranteeing a better speed and maneuverability. In addition, it prevents the accumulation of shells, algae and other marine organisms that can affect the speed and maneuverability of the boat.

After a period of immobilization, it is essential to clean the hull of your boat. The careening must be done every year, and can raise many questions about the steps to follow and the products to use. Whether you are looking for technical products for optimal gliding or resistant products for the whole season, there is something for everyone.

Even if it is not the most pleasant period for boaters, you should not make a mountain out of it. We offer you a complete file to make your careening a success.

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