Telecommuting space on a sailboat: where and how to set up?

Telecommuting on the deck of a sailing boat © Julie Leveugle

Embarking with your professional activity requires some arrangements. With a classic size sailboat, it is often difficult to dedicate a space to your business... How to offer yourself good working conditions and put all the chances on your side to work well?

In the port, several work areas on board

It's decided, you are going to telework from your boat! Defining a dedicated space to isolate yourself and work in peace would be ideal, but the layout of boats and the limited space on board often prevent such an installation.

To work, you will need to take advantage of one of the boat's common areas for a few hours. Choose a convenient location that will provide you with the work surface and comfort you need. Inside or outside, here are some examples of places to work on a sailboat:

  • The card table
  • The square table
  • The banner
  • The cockpit or the deck, when weather conditions permit

Télétravail au port depuis le cockpit ©Julie Leveugle
Telecommuting from the cockpit ©Julie Leveugle

Telecommuting in navigation

We often imagine that working on a boat is a pleasure. However, when sailing, the sea is a complicated and changing environment. Depending on the speed of the ship, the weather and the list, you may have little choice.

On the port or starboard side, in the forepeak or maybe even on the ground against the daggerboardâ?¦ when working aboard a sailboat, you will surely have to juggle between the different spaces to get your job done. Watch out for tacking!

Travailler sur la table à cartes ©Julie Leveugle
Working on the card table ©Julie Leveugle

On-board computing and workstation ergonomics

We often talk about it when it comes to working in an office. On board a sailboat, because movement is limited, the ergonomics of the workstation is also very important. The body, which already tends to compensate for the movements of the boat, will suffer from a poorly designed position.

If not all the recommendations are applicable on board, at least make sure to adopt a good posture when you sit in front of your computer: try to keep your back, head and neck straight, and your shoulders relaxed. If possible, choose a bright environment, and remember to adjust the brightness of your screen.

It's your turn to go for a walk on the deck! Get up regularly to stretch your legs and change positions.

Le carré, un espace de travail commode à bord ©Julie Leveugle
The saloon, a convenient work space on board ©Julie Leveugle

Telework in a common space

If defining a practical and comfortable space on your boat is essential to work well, it is unfortunately not everything. On a sailboat, it is sometimes difficult to isolate yourself from others!

Family and friends share your environment and can interfere with your work. To keep your concentration, cut yourself off from the noise of your neighbors with hearing protection or your own music.

And for the most complicated tasks, set up work schedules that allow you to be quiet on board. Why not take advantage of the watches, or the descent to shore of the rest of the crew?

Optimize stopovers for telecommuting

To benefit from an adapted installation, you can also use the work spaces offered by your places of call. Libraries, media libraries or coworking spaces that you will meet during your trip are friendly places where you can generally work in good conditions. Take advantage of this opportunity to change environment, borrow resources, use specific equipment or services and find social links!

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