Reconstitution : Soon a 24 meters drakkar will be built in Sables d'Olonne

The association "Drakkar de Vendée" will embark on the crazy project of rebuilding a drakkar dating from the 10th century. The team of enthusiasts should launch the Viking ship by 2023. She shares with us her motivations and the details of the project.

The Vendée, a land of Vikings

A little known fact in the history of the Vendée, the Vikings have long frequented the Sablais coastline and its surroundings. The president of the association "Drakkar de Vendée", Philippe Renaudet, is insatiable on the subject.

"The region has been very concerned by the movements of Vikings. The area was used as a staging post for the long navigations between Northern Europe and the Mediterranean basin. These peoples were very established in the region, particularly on the island of Yeu, and on the left bank of the Loire, as far as La Rochelle. "

It is therefore quite natural that the project has taken up residence in Sables d'Olonne, a place that brings together some forty project partners.

"The idea is to create a generative collective, which connects history, the business world, culture and sports and the transmission of knowledge." philippe tells us. "The drakkar is a sturdy and very seaworthy vessel, but it is also a playful boat, which arouses sympathy and admiration among the general public."

Promote Viking culture in the Vendée and beyond

The idea is to sail the drakkar and make it accessible to passengers. Initiations and baptisms will be organized from Les Sables. Then a long navigation will be organized to the United States, via Iceland and Greenland and a return via Saint Pierre and Miquelon. Then the drakkar will return to its original waters, in Norway.

Une autre réplique basée en Norvège
Another replica based in Norway

The project is supported by a sponsoring committee composed of Commander Patrick Marchesseau of the Compagnie des Iles du Ponant, Professor Jean Renaud, a specialist in Viking culture, and graphic designer Yann Legendre.

A two-year construction period

The drakkar will be 23.6m long and 5.3m wide. Its mast will measure 12m and its draught will be 87 cm. Its capacity will be 40 people, including 37 rowers. 17 tons of oak and Douglas fir and 4,000 nails (forged in the old fashioned way) will be necessary to build the hull of the ship. The construction should be spread over two years.

The work will be carried out on a daily basis by volunteers from the association, who will be assisted by students from the marine carpentry high schools, as well as local companies. Period tools such as the adze will be used by the carpenters, notably for the cutting of the keel from a single 17m block. The construction site will be installed under a 36m tent which will allow visits to be organized for the public.

Une herminette, l'outil utilisé par les Vikings
An adze, the tool used by the Vikings

Compared to the original plans, some modifications will be necessary to allow the drakkar to navigate safely with passengers, according to modern standards. A double thermal engine will be integrated into the structure, but the authentic character of the maneuvers under sails will be preserved.

The 40 shields dedicated to combat will be reproduced identically and installed on the ship's gunwales. The reconstruction budget is set at 300,000 euros, and the same amount will be needed for the operation and navigation of the drakkar. See you in Les Sables d'Olonne in 2023 to witness the launching of this proud Viking ship!

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