HydroSilex Marine, a protective ceramic for the hulls of pleasure boats

Based on ceramic, HydroSilex is a coating that protects the exterior surfaces of a boat. Easily applied by a boater, it avoids repeated washing of the hull.

How do you protect your boat? On the water, there are many aggressions: the sun, salt water, oxidation, hydrocarbons, corrosion, algae... A simple cleaning solves problems, but needs to be repeated often.

HydroSilex Marine arrives from the United States (in France since 1.5 year) with a formula based on ceramic nanoparticles, it is the first ceramic protection specially designed for the marine environment. It is the first ceramic protection specially designed for the marine environment. Simply spread on the surface, it infiltrates into all the pores of the material. It quickly gives a shine without the need for polishing. In addition to being protected in this way, the surface is hydrophobic (it repels water) and becomes very smooth, avoiding the adhesion of contaminants. After the application of HydroSilex Marine, water repels on the surface.

HydroSilex Marine can be applied on all the external surfaces of a boat: on gelcoat, paint and varnish, on stainless steel, on plexis (and especially on windows). Even on soft surfaces such as fenders or inflatable tubes, HydroSilex is effective.

No need for a professional for the application. Simply spray HydroSilex Marine on a clean (degreased) and dry surface and wipe with a microfibre cloth. No need to rub or do any mechanical action. HydroSilex Marine dries instantly and the surface can be wetted without risk. Quick and easy application in pure DIY style. Thus protected, the boat only requires a simple rinse at the end of a sea trip. HydroSilex Marine protects it effectively for several months. You can superimpose layers of Marine, each layer will increase the effects and durability.

HydroSilex Marine is sold as a 1 l (98 euros) sprayer with which you can make 2-3 applications on a 7 m boat.

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