Who is Mark Slats, the chaser of VDH on the Golden Globe Race?

Following Jean-Luc Van den Heede in the Golden Globe Race 2018, Mark Slats is trying a different weather option from the first to try to burn his politeness. Will it succeed? Answer in Les Sables-d'Olonne who will greet the sailor as a hero anyway.

The Golden Globe Race is transformed into a regatta of bay in contact. While Jean-Luc Van den Heede led the whole race well ahead of his pursuers, a wave in the Pacific Ocean ruined all his efforts by weakening the rigging. This technical problem forces the sailor to pull less on his Rustler 36. His first pursuer Mark Slats, also on a Rustler 36, is working hard to catch him.

As the finish line in Les Sables-d'Olonne approaches, the two boats off the Azores show a gap of 50 M towards the goal! Will Mark Slat be able to overtake the first one? Response towards the end of January 2019. But who is this unknown sailor in France?

Mark Slats

Already a solo round the world trip

Mark Slats is a young sportsman (born in 1977 he is 42 years old) in Australia. At the age of 8, he moved to Holland. He bought his first boat by winning a kickboxing championship. Between 2004 and 2005, he will sail around the world alone in 205 days. But it was in a rowing race on the Atlantic that he showed his tenacity. While he was engaged in doubles, he lost his partner before the start. Finally competing alone he will arrive 4 eST PRIS DANS LE GROS TEMPS, ET TANGUE DE GAUCHE ?ROITE, SECOUÉ PAR LES VAGUES. UN HOMME, SANS DOUTE UN PÊCHEUR QUI PARTICIPE À UNE SESSION DE PÊCHE SPORTIVE, PASSE PAR-DESSUS BORD, DE MANIÈRE ASSEZ IMPRESSIONNANTE. just behind three crews of 4 men and well ahead of other crews in doubles or threesomes... This race was held at the end of 2017, just six months before the start of the Golden Globe Race. The sailor is in good physical shape for the start!

Mark Slats

Nothing is impossible

For Mark Slats, nothing seems impossible. The arrival of the sponsor Ohpen before the start allowed him to prepare his yacht well. This is the Rustler 36 n°1, the first one to leave the site.

Although he is currently experiencing minor technical problems (just like VDH), it is mainly the lack of water that forces him to use his hand draftsman at least one hour a day to produce only 0.5 litres of water (2.5 litres a day are consumed by sailors in these latitudes).

What is certain is that this sailor will not give up anything before the finish line is crossed. See you in Les Sables for the final verdict...

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