Woman(s) at sea! Where to ensure the success of a great journey

And if, for once, a book preparing for the big cruise was for women. Details, explanations, links All the elements for a successful family sailing trip.

Be careful, this is not a navigation story. This book has the ambition - quite successful by the way - to explain to sailors' wives how to live well on a family boat trip. Fanny Crouy discovered on the occasion of her husband's 30th birthday that he dreamed of taking off. How then was this woman in love going to succeed in sharing this desire and of the project of one to transform it into a family project?

It is this whole process of preparation for the journey - a process that lasted 10 years in their case - that is scrutinized by this woman. The book then gives the technical details of the preparation (provisioning, school, division of tasks on board) then arrives at the essential chapter of that of the return to shore.

The subtitle"Family Survival Guide" shows well the will of this guide that sparkles with fun, funny, but how real details of those who have lived this experience. The extracts from the logbook or the explanations of the couples - and the women - crossed during the 3 years of navigation are as many adjustments which make it possible to project oneself.

If the books that explain how to prepare your boat, ensure your route and weather, choose the right anchorages... are numerous. None of them deals with the position of the woman on board who, in addition to being a traveller, must be a team member, mother, teacher, nurse, cook..

A book that we recommend to all travel candidates. To the women in the first place who will find answers to their many questions, but also to the husband who will be able to open the discussion to bring to two of the answers to these questions. For the couple's survival and the success of the trip!

Woman(s) at sea

Fanny Crouy
Marine Anchor Edition
14.9 x 22 cm
350 pages
25,00 €

Available on Amazon

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