Rendez-vous de la Belle Plaisance de Bénodet, the classic show in pictures

Classic yachts once again enchanted the shores of the Odet for the 22nd edition of the Rendez-Vous de la Belle Plaisance, from June 22 to 25, 2023. Sharks, international and Scandinavian metric yachts... a glimpse of the show on the water.

Return of the Rendez-vous de la Belle Plaisance in Southern Brittany

From June 22 to 25, 2023, the Rendez-vous de la Belle Plaisance returned to Bénodet. After a 3-year hiatus due to Covid, classic yachting was back in the Finistère bay. Held over 3 days, it has become one of France's most renowned gatherings of classic and traditional yachts, organized by the Yacht Club de l'Odet. It brings together the Channel and Atlantic fleets, and is part of the Challenge Classique Manche Atlantique. There's also a nice flotilla of International Gauge metric class yachts, whose calculation principle may confuse beginners . There were 8 m JI, 6 m JI, 5.5 m JI and even Mini J boats, as well as sport keelboats like the "Requin" and "Aile" from the Paris region, and dinghies like the Dinghy 12.

Une flotte variée
A varied fleet
5.5 M JI sous spi
5.5 M JI under spinnaker
Du Dinghy au voilier métrique
From Dinghy to metric sailboat
8 M JI de retour au port
8 M JI back in port
Un 30 m2 suédois, voiliers peu communs en Atlantique
A Swedish 30 m2, unusual sailboats in the Atlantic
La lente remontée de l'Odet
The slow rise of the Odet
La lente remontée... bis !
The slow ascent... encore!
Les grands voiliers naviguant selon la JCH, jauge classique à handicap
Tall ships sailing under the JCH, the classic handicap rule
Dinghy 12 au louvoyage devant Ste Marine
Dinghy 12 at the louvoyage in front of Ste Marine
L'élégance, également à quai
Elegance, also on the quayside
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