Transat Paprec : The village of the mixed transatlantic race in 10 photos

The Transat Paprec will set sail from Concarneau to Saint-Barthélémy on April 30, 2023. In the meantime, there's no shortage of activity in the Breton port. Here's a look at life in the race village.

Offshore racing often starts well before the start. For enthusiasts, strolling along the quays to admire the boats is always a pleasure, and when you can take the opportunity to discover maritime adventures, know-how and family fun, it's even better. A family visit to the Transat Paprec 2023 village, before the 11 Figaro Bénéteau 3s set off for Saint-Barth on April 30, 2023.

Les 11 Figaro Bénéteau 3 pavoisés le long du quai
The 11 Figaro Bénéteau 3 flags along the quayside
Atelier de découverte maritime avec les acteurs locaux
Maritime discovery workshop with local players
Construction publique de l'IMOKAL, un canoë pendant la semaine du village
Public construction of the IMOKAL, a canoe during village week
Ecouter le monde sous marin à tout âge
Listen to the underwater world at any age
Exposition de la capsule sous-marine des explorateurs d'Under The Pole au sein de l'espace Nouveaux Explorateurs
Under The Pole explorers' underwater capsule on display in the New Explorers space
Sensibilisation à la décarbonations du transport maritime
Raising awareness of decarbonizing maritime transport
Des animations pour tous
Entertainment for all
Un phare d'escalade
A climbing lighthouse
Des bateaux accompagnateurs pour le départ de course
Accompanying boats for the start of the race
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