Bardahl, to protect its diesel tanks against water and bacteria

© FX Ricardou

For the yachtsman, having water in his diesel tank is a real nuisance. It can have serious consequences. To avoid it, you must fill your tank properly at the end of the season, but also treat your fuel. For this, Bardahl offers two suitable products.

Bacteria can live in diesel fuel. They find food in the fuel. But they need oxygen to live. This oxygen is provided by the presence of water in the fuel. But how does this water get into our diesel?

Where does the water in the diesel come from?

There are several causes of water in fuel:

  • The most common is the condensation that forms in the tank. If there is still air in the tank, when the tank is not filled up, the heat exchange between the inside and the outside of the walls will form condensation, and therefore water. To avoid this, the safest thing to do is to fill up the tank at the end of each season when the boat is immobilized.
  • Sometimes the tank that delivers your fuel is contaminated. In this case, you are taking on water as well as fuel. This is often the case in stations with a low flow rate, and if you are unlucky enough to be served with a tank bottom.
  • Your fuel cap can also leak. A dry or damaged gasket, and the water that runs off the deck ends up in the tank.

The danger of bacteria

The problem with bacteria, which are living organisms, is that they produce excrement. This results in the formation of sludge at the bottom of the tank, which eventually clogs the filters and even damages the injection pump.

Biocide treatment

To avoid this, you need to treat your fuel. Bardahl offers a biocide treatment that is mixed with the fuel. The 250 ml bottle treats up to 500 liters of diesel. It is a solution that eliminates bacteria, yeast and mold. In addition, the product neutralizes the acids generated by the bacteria and thus prevents the corrosion of the tanks. This product can be used as a curative measure, to clean the tank, and as a preventive measure, to avoid the development of sludge.

  • Biocide treatment Diesel marine : 13,95 euros

Water eliminator

If water is already in the fuel, it must be removed. This is done with a water dispersant. At Bardahl, the product is the same for both gasoline and diesel tanks. The product reduces the water droplets and mixes them with the fuel, allowing them to leave the tank at the same time as the fuel. Thus, it protects the engine by preventing breakdown and eliminates the risk of rust in the tank. The water dispersant, in a 300 ml can, treats 60 liters of fuel. It is recommended to add it once a year to your fuel.

  • Water dispersant Gasoline and Diesel marine : 13,95 euros
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