Editorial / Is sailing a purely selfish pleasure?

Cast off to the deep blue sea!

Pleasure is, as its name indicates, a leisure activity. But is it a solitary pleasure or a pleasure of a few? Or can and should it be explained to "landlubbers"?

Living on a boat is intriguing

Boaters and sailing enthusiasts are used to hearing stories of families or solo sailors who leave to live on their boat for a more or less long time. Even so, they remain curious and ask themselves a thousand questions about the consequences of such a choice. So what about the general public and the world of landlubbers? When they see their loved ones going to sea, they probably have the right to some explanations. This is certainly the opinion of the crew of Inajeen, whose story we tell the explanation session before the big departure . A subject that could inspire other candidates for the big cruise.

Share the sea journey

But once at sea, the characters reveal themselves. Some are relieved to leave their communication obligations, while others quickly throw themselves on the iridium phone. However, there are few who do not want, in one form or another, at their own speed, to share their experience. We are well placed to know, eager to read and to bridge the gap to bring you these stories. Some leave with their families and keep a regular logbook like the Anchor and Sails others, more solitary, give themselves up once they are back home, like the owner of Loxo who we interviewed on our return from a Mediterranean trip.

If each one does as he wishes, one thing is sure: as much as there are 3 kinds of Men, the Living, the Dead and those who go to sea, the stories of the latter make us all a little more alive, while waiting to go back on the water!

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