Curiosity: Do the dorado boxes on our boats have a link with fish?

Bream box on a Tina under renovation © Antoine Ricardou

Curious and classic yachting enthusiasts all know about dorado boxes, those precious ventilations for our boats. But how do they work? A link with the gills of our fish? A bit of general nautical culture that leads us on the tracks of a figure of naval architecture.

A ventilation system invented on the Olin Stephens Dorado

They are often seen on classic sailboats and pleasure boats of the 1960s and 70s. These small ears, fixed on a box, that can be turned to orientate the ventilation sleeves of the boat cabins. They are called dorade boxes. But, why this name? After having searched for a long time for a link with the breathing of fish and their gills, it is finally on the tracks of the famous naval architect Olin Stephens that I found their origin. Indeed, it is on the deck of one of the first sailboats designed by the American designer, that we find the first example.

Voilier Dorade (Droits D Ramey Logan CC-BY-SA 3.0)
Sailing boat Dorade (Rights D Ramey Logan CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Named Dorade, the boat designed in 1929 and with a long record of success on both sides of the Atlantic, gave its name to the device. Beyond that, its narrow and light hull also launched the career of the architect who built the boat with his brother Rod. It laid the foundation for what was to become his success, as witnessed for example by the famous racing yacht Morning Cloud and its many 12 M JI for the America's Cup. Refurbished in Italy in the 1990s, Dorade is now a regular participant in Mediterranean regattas and classic events.

An efficient and robust ventilation system

Today, plastic grills have often dethroned the elegant Dorade boxes. However, these boxes are not lacking in efficiency and robustness. An adjustable air sleeve allows the air to enter the box. Inside the box, a tube goes up from the cabin, protruding several centimeters. If a packet of sea water enters through the windsock, it flows down the sides of the rising tube, without flooding the cabin, as shown in the diagram below.

Principe de la boite à Dorade
Principle of the Dorade box

The system has been perfected over time, just like Plastimo's spring systems.

Boite à dorade à ressort Plastimo
Plastimo spring loaded sea bream box

The materials have changed, the brass or chrome handles have been replaced by plastic, but at a time of generalized air conditioning, the Dorade box could regain a few hours of glory to limit energy consumption?

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