Web series / Under The Pole III: Come and live three days under the sea!

It had been a while since the Under The Pole team had disappeared from our screens. And for good reason, they were busy validating the concept of the Capsule, immersing themselves three days under the sea. An experience incroyable?!

Three days under the sea

After a long installation phase, it is time for Emmanuelle, Ghislain and the divers to test the Capsule. Immersed at a depth of 20 m, this cylinder with transparent domes at its ends will allow fish to be studied in their environment without interruption.

Before settling in for three days, make way for logistics. Technical equipment, personal belongings, food, clothing are brought in shuttles - waterproof boxes that allow items to be transported from the surface to underwater. Everything is ready, the divers are ready to try the experiment. If you are wondering about the voice, remember that the environment that allows them to breathe is based on hélium?!

For three days, these humans will live to the rhythm of the poissons?! "I'm making my dream come true. It's just incredible to be able to live under the sea and observe it from the inside." Indeed, thanks to the two large domes, they have a 360° view of the environment and will follow the activity of the reef from the appearance of the first rays of the sun until sunset

Two study programs

Thanks to this uninterrupted observation and the unlimited dives between 15 and 35 m deep, two study programs have been defined with the Criobe

- Corals and their laying

- reef life at sunrise and sunset.

The dry observation sessions in the Capsule are followed by diving observation sessions. "It's like leaving the house except we're underwater." This is an opportunity to study fish closely and take notes on their behaviour

On board the Capsule, habits are set up and rituals are set up: meals, tooth brushing, good night to the children by interposed screen, sleeping, reading..

Decompression and physiological tests

But after three days, it's time to go back up. A two-step decompression procedure must then be followed. A first part in the Capsule and a second part under the sea. In total, divers must respect 4 hours of desaturation before returning to the surface

Once ashore, the experience does not stop there. Divers participate in a series of physiological examinations and tests to ensure that decompression is carried out safely. The idea is to use this experience for a study on the physiology of diving

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