Disagreement on the Golden Globe Race, victory guaranteed for VDH!

Mark Slats, 2nd in the Golden Globe Race

While Jean-Luc Van Den Heede 73 years old leader of the Golden Globe Race, should join Les Sables-d'Olonne and take the victory of this old-fashioned round the world race, a new twist ensures him all the more victory.

It's a fantastic situation that has just been played out on Monday 28 January 2019 on the Golden Globe Race. If victory is guaranteed for the oldest member of the old-fashioned solo round the world race, a penalty imposed on his direct competitor Mark Slats ensures him even more of tranquillité?!

Indeed, the 2nd in the Golden Globe Race, which is 400 miles from the finish line, has decided not to finally reach Les Sables-d'Olonne. A storm in the northwest forced him to arrive in the Vendée before Thursday evening. The other possibility would be to take refuge outside the Bay of Biscay area until the storm passes, which is allowed by the race regulations. In the event that he does not disembark or communicate with the outside world other than by VHF or HF radio.

But Dick Koopmans, Mark Slats' team manager, decided to get involved, going so far as to quarrel with the organisation and penalise his skipper.

On the morning of Monday 28 January, he asked race headquarters to move the finish line 50 miles off the coast, which the organisation refused. The team manager invoked the skipper's safety, based on the advice of one of the best Dutch meteorologists, recommending an arrival in A Coruña or Brest.

The manager wanted to contact his skipper directly, which is not authorised by the regulations, as no calls to the outside world are allowed. VDH had also been penalized for calling his wife during his mast damage. The tone began to rise between Dick Koopmans and race headquarters, the latter expressly refusing telephone contact between Mark Slats and his team manager and urging him to forward his recommendations to race headquarters, which would forward them to Mark Slats. But the latter simply refused to speak to the organization

The team manager did as he pleased, defying the telephone ban and contacting his skipper to ask him to head for A Coruña. Which is what the 2nd in the Golden Globe is now doing. The Race Committee will meet tomorrow to review the situation and apply a time penalty before the end of the race.

Don McIntyre, race president explains: "There are two subjects in this case. One is safety and we are all working towards that for Mark. The second is the procedure and application of the race rules. The GGR constantly offers advice on weather for the safety of skippers. Unfortunately, the Slats team manager decided not to comply with the Notice of Race."

Here are the stormy e-mail exchanges (translated from English to French) between the two authorities

10 h 30 the Race HQ received a communication from Dick Koopmans, Mark Slats' team manager, requesting that the finish line be moved 50 miles from the coast. Which was refused.

11 h 59, race HQ replied to Koopmans saying that Race President Don McIntyre had sent a weather alert to Slats and that Mark had made an informed call with his safety satellite phone to discuss the weather forecast. Slats warned that he was receiving forecasts on board and that he knew the storm was coming. The e-mail informed Koopmans that Slats was not slowing down and was heading towards the finish line.
And he added, "But if you want to send a message about the weather, we will. Send us an email. ?

12 h 21 Koopmans replied by email saying "I spoke to Geerit Hiemsta, one of our best meteorologists in Holland... In his opinion it is not safe to sail in the Bay of Biscay. He suggested staying out of the area and ending up in A Coruña or Brest, but not in Les Sables-d'Olonne. In his opinion, it is very dangerous to sail in the Bay of Biscay. This is also the opinion of the Dutch Coast Guard and the Falmouth Coast Guard.
I am upset with your opinion and plan to call Mark on his Iridium phone, whatever the consequences.

13 h 16 Don McIntyre replied: "Just as a reminder, we do not give any instructions to competitors. We give advice and the final choice is theirs. Mark receives weather reports on the radio...
I really suggest you don't call Mark. I offered to send him by message any advice you want to send about safety by avoiding the storm. I offered to send him a message from you about safety and the storm to avoid. I'm waiting for your opinion. Any decision is the skipper's responsibility... I am now officially asking you for your opinion on the best route for his safety. I will then forward your message to him."

13 h 28 Message from Race HQ to Mark. "Dick's advice is to head for A Coruña or Brest to avoid the storm."

13 h 33 Koopmans' email to the GGR:" Ignorant authorities such as the coast guard and meteorologists. I do not trust the Race Committee on its knowledge of the situation. I think that safety is now more important than rules.
I'm going to send messages to Mark on his Iridium phone from now on." Mr Hiemstra's opinion -''Get ready to call the helicopter''

13 h 34 :. Koopmans' email to the GGR: Don't speak of Mark on my behalf."

13 h 38 The PC races Koopmans: "Mark will be penalized for breaching the rules. We have not been directed by any authority and if you check your emails, we are waiting for your opinion on where to send it. Your actions and comments do not contribute to Mark's running interests and we are both concerned about Mark's safety. Please pass your messages through the GGR. If you need clarification, please call.

13 h 46 Koopmans' email to Race HQ: "Safety is more important than penalties. You can read all the messages later and decide on penalties."

Koopmans ignored the opinion of the race headquarters and - a breach of the Notice of Race.

16 h 12 (approx.) : Mark called Race HQ to discuss the weather conditions and asked permission to call Koopman's and his phone number. GGR agreed, as Koopmans would not give the safety information to GGR. At a meeting of the Race Committee, it was decided not to give him the number since a call from Mark to Koopmans would be considered as an assistance and a breach of the race rules.

16 h 12 Mark called Race HQ to say he was heading for A Coruña and confirmed that Koopmans had contacted him directly. Slats has been warned that he will have a time penalty.

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