Web series / Sailing Kalispera: When the transatlantic race does not go as planned...

In this 20th episode, all to music by Sailing Kalispera, we share the daily life of Arnaud and Mélanie who are preparing their transatlantic voyage but also their setbacks when everything doesn't go as it should...

After several months of waiting, Arnaud and Mélanie are finally getting ready to cross the Atlantic - the Canaries - Guadeloupe - to spend the Christmas holidays there. A crossing that must be prepared: supplies, fuel, water, drinks, etc. For this long nav' which they estimate at 20 days, Melanie's dad will be there. And Kalispera will sail alongside his boat side Avae Reva of the crew "And then leave".

While the preparations are well underway and despite some technical problems - in particular the breakage of the spreader bar welded in the Canaries before the start - we find the trio from the south attacking the big blue

But because everything doesn't always go as planned and in life you have to be reasonable, Kalispera will have to turn around after only one day of sailing. Back to the Canaries therefore for at least 15 days since the welding of the spreader bar did not hold...

This 20th episode is a return to the freshness of the first ones. We find there the rhythm that we knew so well and that we appreciated from the beginning

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