Exclusive / Icom IP501H, a walkie-talkie that connects with foreign countries!

Preview of Icom's new magic walkie-talkie!

It looks like a walkie-talkie, but it's got global reach! This little walkie-talkie, which we were able to try out for the first time, promises remote connections with the ease and solidity of a walkie-talkie.

In the aisles of the Grand Pavois 2017 in La Rochelle, the marine manager at Icom France takes me aside to show me a small device under the cloak. Looking like a talkie, smaller than a VHF, he suggested I contact his team at the company's headquarters in Toulouse, more than 400 km away..

400 km range with a simple talkie whose antenna is not more than 10 cm ? I try it without really believing it and Sandrine at the other end answers me. Her voice is very clear, without any interference or distortion. But what is this new transmitter ?

An IP link

Thierry explains me. This new device provides an IP link via the GSM data network (the LTE network). It uses what appears in 3G, 4G on your phone. It sends only data. These transit through a server in Japan at Icom, to then return in the telephone network on the talkie remained in Toulouse.

For group communication

With this type of device, it is possible to create groups where all users hear the same message. This will be useful to carry out a rescue operation, for example, or a simultaneous intervention in several remote coastal points, or even for a sailing school that manages several fleets.

Attention, even if the device is IPX7 (supports an immersion in water), it is not usable at sea. Indeed, relying on the GSM network, it must always be within range of the transmitters (about 10 miles maximum from the coast).

Another prototype

The device we had in hand was a prototype, but given its operation it should soon be commercialized. We are talking about a price of about 500 euros per station.

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