Romain Attanasio, on Famille Mary - Etamine du Lys diverts to Cape Town

Romain Attanasio, skipper of the IMOCA Famille Mary Étamine du Lys, collided with a UFO on Monday 5th December 2016. He is routing towards Cape Town to try to repair it.

Romain Attanasio, skipper of the boat Famille Mary - Etamine du Lys hit a UFO (unidentified floating object) today Monday 5th December at around 12:30 pm (French time), when it was approximately 470 nautical miles south of Cape Town (South Africa). The collision damaged both rudders.

Romain made the decision to divert to Cape Town to attempt a repair without assistance. Currently, the skipper of Mary - Etamine du Lys is in 18th position.

"I felt Romain hit at first, but he doesn't give up and he's already recovered. He's going to try everything to repair his boat and continue the adventure. I hope he will have a lot of encouragement," explained his companion Samantha Davies.

Romain Attanasio should take two to three days to reach Cape Town. He broadcast a video to the Vendée Globe Race HQ following the incident.

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