Budget closed, sponsor to be found for Jean Le Cam

On April 27, 2016, Jean Le Cam launched a crowdfunding campaign to try to recover the budget needed to outfit his boat. The operation was successful, even if a sponsor is still needed for the sailor and Hubert (his Imoca) to be sure of taking the start of the Vendée Globe.

Successful bet!

43 days! This is the deadline that Jean Le Cam had set himself to recover 360 000 euros. This sum must be used to buy equipment and to fit out his boat, Hubert. A name full of meaning for the sailor since it is that of his brother-in-law and friend, who built the boat in their yard (CDK Composites) before he died. It was later bought by Le Cam. Today, it must be completely equipped and fitted out (electronics, electricity, engine, fittings, paintâeuros¦).

The collection ended on June 11 and was a real success! Jean Le Cam was able to raise 367 172 euros thanks to 705 contributors. However, it was not easy because on Saturday, June 11, two days before the end of his campaign, Jean had only raised 130 232 euros. But he was able to count on a faithful person, among the faithful, as he explains "To cross the finish line and close this incredible fundraising, I was able to count on the unfailing support of my bank, Crédit Agricole Finistère, which has been with me at every stage of my career as an ocean racing skipper. We have crossed many oceans together and endured many storms; all these hazards have strengthened our mutual trust."

A huge surge of solidarity

What especially marked Jean was this incredible surge of solidarity and mutual aid as the sailor explains it "I was deeply touched by this chain you formed day after day. You have aroused so many positive and overwhelming emotions in me, I have experienced them with the same strength as if I were sailing up the channel in Les Sables-d'Olonne at the finish of the Vendée Globe. This process originally motivated by financial constraints turned out to be a magical story with incredible interweaving."

Because in addition to having raised the hoped-for sum, Jean has also found people and companies willing to lend him paint, equipment, clothes or even help with the money¦ Finally, the skipper has been able to make serious contacts with companies that are trying to raise money to finance his Vendée Globe.

Find a sponsor

In total, Jean Le Cam needs 700,000 euros to equip his boat and still hopes to find a sponsor to take the start of the Vendée Globe, on November 6.

"The money from this collection will allow me, and I had committed myself to this, to buy exclusively material and equipment to continue to fit out my boat. I will do everything in my power to ensure that Hubert is in the best shape possible on the start line of the 2016 Vendée Globe."

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