Failed docking for too fast a cruise ship!

The cruise ship Adventure Hornblower completely missed its berth and caused panic among the tourists on the dock. More fear than harm, however!

The Adventure Hornblower is a 150-foot (45 m) cruise ship that cruises the San Diego Bay area. As it returns from a sea trip to see dolphins and whales, it returns to the dock far too quickly. The scene, filmed by a Belgian tourist, shows the boat arriving at the dock while other vacationers wait to board. Suddenly, however, the boat honks its horn to warn of the danger. Indeed, a mechanical problem prevents it from slowing down.

The tourists present on the quay then run away at full speed, except for a granny, who has trouble moving around. It was not long before the bow of the boat hit her. The Adventure Hornblower then finishes its run in the asphalt quay.

Fortunately, there were no injuries on the wharf, but several tourists on the boat were injured and some were taken to hospital.

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