The Muscadet, a boat with an important sympathy capital

Franck Joly shares with us his anecdotes, which prove once again that Muscadet continues to cross generations and is now unanimously popular with seafarers

The Muscadet is today a boat that "has an absolutely enormous amount of goodwill." When a Muscadet enters a port, people come to welcome it, "the boaters, the people of the port". "This is not the case with a Sangria or a Folie Douce. It's a very endearing sailboat."

"People who rode a Muscadet found it well built, manageable, navigable..." Moreover for the anecdote, the former president of the APM was subjugated by the Muscadet during a navigation in a gale. "On an 11-meter boat, he spent his time lying down and he sees a small, quiet boat go by, with great seafaring qualities. He was moving much faster and without suffering from the weather. Arriving at the port tired, he inquired about this boat, Le Petit Léo, which was a Muscadet, and bought one. That's how he became president of the APM."

Franck Joly also explains that he " saw people crying when they sold a Muscadet and bought an aprèseuros" When you own a Muscadet, it is difficult to part with it

Another anecdote about Muscadet is that it remains a boat of passion. " A man owned a boat on Lake Geneva, Berenice, and it was his main home for 12 years. He lived in 6.50 meters. When he had visitors, he would say "Hello. Come in, the house is small, but the garden is big."

If Muscadet is still fashionable, it is also thanks to its class association which does an extraordinary job.

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