Designing and making canvas protections, experience on an Amerglass boat

A triangle shaped shade sail in the front

In cruising, it is common to say that a boat sails only a quarter of the time. For the rest, it is often at anchor. The main priority of the crew is to manage the different living spaces and their exposure to the sun or not. For the layout of my Amerglass boat, I asked myself a few questions before deciding on the best way to live my cruises, which I wanted to be sunny.

The Amerglass has a covered wheelhouse, but open on the back. Originally, this launch is equipped with a canopy that closes this space. The big drawback was the hoop that held this canopy. This one was blocking the passage every time we wanted to enter and exit the cockpit. Not really practical contortions. Moreover, the whole back part, above the cabin, was exposed to the sunâ?¦ or to the rain.

Modification of the original design

Premiers essais de la partie supérieure
First tests of the upper part

I decided to modify the design of the hood by making it run to the back of the cabin. I took the opportunity to make the rear slope in line with the wheelhouse, so as not to break the lines of the boat. The position of the hoops is moved back and does not hinder the passage anymore, and the back deck becomes a huge sunbathing area always protected by the canopy.

A bimini open to the wind

En navigation, on peut choisir les panneaux que l'on souhaite
When browsing, you can choose the panels you want

Of course, the side walls are transparent to keep visibility when sailing in the closed position. But everyone knows that these plexiglass windows turn into an oven when the sun hits from above. So I asked for walls - also removable - in shade sails. So when they are in place, depending on where the sun is coming from, the cockpit can remain in the shade.

Specialized outdoor fabric

Du tissu microperforé pour laisser passer l'air
Micro-perforated fabric to let the air through

To make a hood, you need to call on specialists. Specialists in outdoor fabric in the first place, for which I chose Serge Ferrari. This French brand located in the Lyon area proposed me a very light, thin, but fortunately solid fabric for the canopy. It is Stamoid Top, a PVC fabric, waterproof against rain and UV. The thinness and the lightness are appreciated for the mobile parts which are thus easily stored in a trunk when they are not in place. From the wide range of colors available, I chose a light color that reflects heat better than a dark color.

For sunshades, it is a microperforated fabric that lets the air through, but protects effectively from the sun. The Soltis is a thermal as well as visual protection. Easily foldable, it is also easy to store in a trunk during sailing and winter.

A saddler for the assembly

Réalisation de gabarits avec du polyane
Making templates with polyane

In addition to the Serge Ferrari fabrics, I called upon the Christophe Not saddlery in the Toulouse region, which took charge of the project by offering an adjustment of all the elements. Indeed, building a soft top requires a lot of skill and several trips back and forth between the boat and the workshop in order to make sure that the different parts are in the right position. Taking templates, sewing, testing, touching up required 15 days of work in order to make all the parts.

Shade sail for the front deck

Une prise de cote très précise
A very precise dimensioning

To complete this set, the boat is equipped with a shade sail on the front part, part covered by a large sundeck: 3.50 x 2.00 m! As I could not install two stakes at the front to maintain the shade sail, I chose to make a large triangle that dies in its tip by leaning on a pike pole. This way I don't have to put away any peg specifically and the triangle shape clears the side decks allowing traffic on board, even when the shade sail is in place. Note that this sail is only in place when anchored and that it disappears in a box as soon as you reach the open sea. I also avoid installing it if the wind is too strong, because this surface of canvas pulls quite hard on the anchor.

Break areas

Ainsi fermé, le cockpit et le bain de soleil arrière restent protégés
Closed, the cockpit and the aft sunbathing area remain protected

Thus equipped, the Amerglass becomes truly comfortable when sailing or at anchor. The aft canopy seals the cockpit and the large glass panels provide good visibility when sailing. At anchor, by opening all the side panels, the cockpit remains well ventilated and protected from the sun. In addition, the sunshade sail covers the deck and provides sunbathing areas for sunbathers.

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