Nodus Factory Snatch-block: the cheapest opening pulley on the market!

By offering a textile opening pulley, Nodus Factory is updating the concept by improving it: lighter, stronger, simpler, but above all half the price! This pulley combines the advantages of textile with a revolutionary plastic material

Since the appearance of the Dyneema, textile fittings have become more and more important on our yachts. Indeed this "miracle" fibre offers less stretch than metal, with a good gliding coefficient and is easily matted. Not to mention the weight gain and reduced risk of injury. While some manufacturers believe that only textiles should be used, others combine textiles with other materials such as steel, aluminium or plastics.

Nodus Factory Snatch-Block

This is the case of Nodus Factory, which offers a range of textile fittings nicknamed Plug & Sail for its ease of use. In this range, Nodus Factory had presented us its new friction rings which, unlike those of the competition which are made of aluminium, those of Nodus are made of "lubricated plastic". Lighter, just as strong and above all much cheaper, these rings also have the great advantage of working with all ropes (not just Dyneema).

Nodus Factory Snatch-Block

For the 2020 season, Nodus Factory is coming with the Snatch-Block. It is an opening pulley made with a friction ring. The trick fits into the self-lubricating technical resin roller which is placed in the centre of the friction ring. Thus the ring does not turn directly on the textile, but on this roller which turns it into a kind of roller pulley. It's simply solid and offers little friction.

Nodus Factory Snatch-Block

The Snatch Block friction textile opening pulley is delivered with a sheave (the friction ring) and its roller shaft. A locking ring secures the connector. It is quick and easy to install and very simple to use.reliable and maintenance-free, this pulley opens quickly even after a heavy load.

Nodus Factory Snatch-Block

This opening pulley can be used anywhere on a sailboat, on deck as well as in the rigging, in the final position or as a flying pulley.

The Snactch-Block is available in 2 sizes:

  • SB3 (working load: 750 kg): 39.00 euros incl. VAT
  • SB5 (working load: 1400 kg): 41.00 euros incl. VAT
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