Try to win a night on board an expedition ship exploring the seabed

The Alucia, research and scientific exploration vessel © 2017 Alucia Productions

BBC Worlwide offers the opportunity to spend three days and two nights aboard the Alucia, an oceanic research and exploration vessel used for the filming of the Blue Planet II series. This Explorer vessel is owned by Ocean X, a specialist in the search for wreckage and historical objects on the ocean floor. So, how do you try your luck? Here are the conditions to be met A dream that unfortunately is not within the reach of the French, who cannot take part in the competition.

Think you're a scientist and explore the ocean floor..

BBC Worlwide is launching a competition via the Airbnb rental platform to integrate the crew of the oceanic research and exploration vessel Alucia. The aim is to take part in an expedition and explore the oceans aboard one of the ship's two submersibles: the Triton 3300/3 or the Deep Rover, a scientific research submarine, with wreck reconnaissance and underwater videography. Your play area? The Bahamas and its Cape Eleuthera waters, known for the diversity of wildlife.

You will be welcomed on board by Orla Doherty, BBC producer of episode 2 of the Blue Planet ll series. She has spent more than 500 hours on board, exploring the seabed up to 1,000m and knows the 56m long exploration and research vessel like the back of her hand. On board you will find two submersibles, a heliport and the latest diving, filming and scientific research equipment. You will share meals with the crew and observe and discuss their work.

2017 Alucia Productions

How to participate?

To attempt to board the Alucia from 4 to 8 April 2018, you must participate in a competition and be one of the 3 winners selected by the jury. Here is the procedure to follow and the team's recommendations: be 18 years old, fluent in English (the crew speaks English and the safety briefings will also be in English) and reside in one of the following countries: United States, Canada (except Quebec), China, Singapore, Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Germany, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom

  • Login to Airbnb with your account (or create one)
  • Go to the "Night at Blue Planet II" page
  • Click on the "Join Now!" button
  • Answer the following question in an artistic and creative way with a text of 50 to 550 characters. "You don't have to be an astronaut to discover a new world. Our oceans are teeming with bizarre species and spectacular landscapes, as if from another planet. Tell us about your ideal deep-sea adventure. What do you dream of discovering on the ocean floor?"

2017 Luis Lamar

How to win a night aboard the Alucia?

3 participants will be selected by a panel of judges on the basis of merit, in accordance with the following 3 criteria:

- 33.333% Creativity: Was the text creative and did we enjoy it?

- 33.333% Originality: Were we surprised?

- 33.333% Adequacy: To what extent did you answer the question?

They will be able to choose the companion of their choice to embark on an extraordinary journey aboard the Alucia.

2017 Alucia Productions

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