Lighthouse of La Jument, the hell of Ouessant

Lighthouse at sea, the Mare protects the passage of the Fromveur off Ushant. It is a mythical lighthouse made famous by the photos taken with it in the middle of storms on the Iroise Sea. If Ar-Men is nicknamed"Hell of the Underworld", that of La Jument is"Hell" for the lighthouse keepers.

The Jument lighthouse bears his name to be erected on the Ar-Gazeg reef (La Jument en breton). It is built between the Fromveur, a passage between Ushant and the Molène archipelago. The choice of its location was validated to create a road going from lighthouse to lighthouse avoiding the pitfalls. On January 20, 1905, the Geography Society stated:"The pitfall of the mare is placed in such a way that a straight line joining it to the Black Stones lighthouse leaves all dangers to the north"

Phare de La Jument

Fast construction

The construction of the lighthouse is possible following Charles-Eugène Potron's bequest of 400 000 francs. The one inscribed in his will: "I the undersigned Charles-Eugène Potron, residing in Paris rue du Sommerard, 11, bequeath the sum of four hundred thousand francs, 400 000 francs, for the erection of a lighthouse, built of material of choice, equipped with improved lighting devices. This lighthouse will rise on the rock in one of the dangerous areas of the Atlantic coast, like those on the island of Ouessant. The designation will be that of the locality. The granite will be engraved with"Lighthouse built under a bequest from Charles-E. Potron, traveler, member of the geographical society of Paris." In the event of non-acceptance or non-execution within six to seven years from the date of my death, the full amount would revert to the Central Shipwreck Society for the construction of canoes and rescue craft. But this substitution would only be carried out in the absolute impossibility of achieving my first intention; if it is heroic to remedy disasters to the extreme extent of human forces, it is better still to prevent them

It is therefore necessary that this lighthouse be built quickly (7 years maxi) and it is the engineer Georges Heurté, who has already worked for erect the Virgin Island lighthouse which will be mandated for this project.

Phare de La Jument

Finally, the lighthouse was lit on October 15, 1911, but it was only 3 years later that the interior work was completely completed. The speed of construction did not allow to make reliable the base of the lighthouse which will crack at the first storm. This was followed by work to reinforce the base and even a shoring system with cables in 1934.

On July 26, 1991, the last keepers left the lighthouse which was automated and managed from Creac'h on Ouessant In 2015, La Jument was registered at the Monument Historique then classified in 2017.

Philippe Lioret's film"L'Équipier", made in 2004, pays tribute to the hard work of lighthouse keepers subjected to storms and isolation. The scenes of relief and storm were filmed at the foot of the Mare.

Phare de La Jument

The beacon of storms

Placed west of the island of Ouessant, the Mare faces storms without any protection. Despite its height of 47 m, it is not uncommon for the waves that explode on the lighthouse to completely cover it. In September 1974, a wave broke the lantern and rushed down the entire staircase inside the lighthouse. The guards only had the opportunity to open the ground floor door to let it drain and take refuge in the last dry kitchen!

Phare de La Jument

A photo that makes the lighthouse famous

In December 1989, photographer Jean Guichard took off in a helicopter to take pictures of the storm in Brittany that day. He takes pictures above the Mare's lighthouse. The guard, Theodore Malgorn intrigued by the noise comes out on the platform without realizing that an enormous wave emerges behind him. The photographer shoots. The keeper will just have time to hide behind the door before the water rushes into the lighthouse. Contrary to rumour, he will not have been swept away by the wave, but will just have wet feet... This photo, after having made the cover of the book"Lighthouses", will be declined in poster and goes from 1994 to 2003, caracoler in the top 10 photo sales in the world.

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