Let's weigh anchor together around 2018

All the crew of bateaux.com wish you a happy holiday season. No time to look in the rear-view mirror, as there are already many new features for 2018

We are ready to weigh anchor with you around 2018!

We can already tell you that next year will be rich with many new features for the whole Bateaux.com ecosystem. We can already announce that YOU, the readers, will be even more in the center of our attention! A club where we reserve you the place of honor so that we all share our passion together.

But before you discover the new horizons on which we are going to take you sailing, the whole crew: Audren, Faustine, Briag, Chloé and François-Xavier at the editorial staff, Florent, Steven and Philippe at the technical staff, Karine, Cédric, Ludivine and Yann at the support, wish you a very happy holiday season.

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